Carbon Farming Awareness Hub EU Project

Project's Expected Results

WP2: Raising Awareness, Building Community

  • Diverse Engagement: Seminars, workshops, debates, roundtables, photography projects, and a youth-driven online newspaper foster understanding of sustainable development and agriculture.
  • On-the-Ground Inspiration: Visits to successful, sustainable farms to offer real-world examples and mentorship for young farmers.

WP3: Global Collaboration and Learning

  • International Initiatives: Tested outreach activities to connect partners worldwide for collaborative action on green transition and carbon farming.
  • Virtual Hub: Webinars, roundtables, and online events to create a vibrant virtual community focused on sustainable agriculture knowledge exchange.
  • Policy Impact: Recommendations to policymakers in supporting innovative sustainable agriculture practices.

WP4: Spreading the Word

  • Communication Plan: Outline all activities to reach the right audiences effectively.
  • Social and Web Presence: Set up project website, social media, press releases, and events to maximize visibility and engagement.
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